Quiz Content

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. The following is the correct chronological order:

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. All of the following societies occupied parts of Mesoamerica EXCEPT:

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. The city of Tula, originally formed by craftsmen and farmers fleeing the collapsed state of Teotihuacán:

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. The Toltec state introduced all of the following military innovations EXCEPT:

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. The large trade network in which the Toltecs participated can be characterized by the following:

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. Features of the late Maya States in the Yucatán included all of the following EXCEPT:

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. The problems identified in the textbook as leading to the deterioration of the late Mayan states included all of the following EXCEPT:

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. All of the following is true of Chichén Itzá EXCEPT:

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. Around 600, two groups arrived in the Peruvian Andes as conquerors:

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. Resources of the Andean region around Lake Titicaca included all of the following EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of the state of Wari EXCEPT:

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. Wari and Tiwanaku had certain similarities, such as all of the following EXCEPT:

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. The Aztec and Inca empires which developed in the early fifteenth century were different from the earlier expanding states in that:

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. The Aztec foundation myth has all of the following elements EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true EXCEPT:

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. Important weapons in the Aztec arsenal included:

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. All of the following were true of the Incan empire EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of political organization under the Incan empire EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of Incan military organization EXCEPT:

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. Inca weaponry:

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. During the second half of the fifteenth century, the Incas:

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. All of the following is true of communications in the Inca empire EXCEPT:

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. The imperial capitals of Mesoamerica and the Andes had all of the following in common EXCEPT:

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. Another commonality between the Aztec and Inca capitals of the fifteenth century is:

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. All of the following were true of Tenochtitlán EXCEPT:

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. In "Patterns Up Close," the author believes all of the following to be true about ritual human sacrifice EXCEPT:

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