Document – Travel Account of an Arab Merchant who Visited China in the 9th century CE.

Abstract and Keywords

Ibn Wahab was an Arab merchant from Basra (Iraq) who sailed to China via the Indian Ocean around 872 CE. His travel account includes a description of his interview with the Chinese emperor. Wahab's visit at the height of the T'ang dynasty (618-907 CE), with its flourishing trade and efficient civil service, provides a first-hand account of China when its influence extended throughout all of Eurasia.

Fitzgerald, C.P. China: A Short Cultural History (London: Cresse Press, 1930), pp. 339-340.


"When I was received by the Emperor," Ibn Wahab relates, "he told the interpreter to ask me, 'can you recognize your Master, if you see him?'" The Emperor referred to Mahomet, upon whom be God's Blessing. I replied: 'How can I see him, since he is in Heaven with the Most High God?' 'I am talking of his likeness,' said the Emperor. 'I would know that,' I replied. Then the Emperor called for a box containing rolls which he put in front of him, and passed them to his interpreter, saying: 'Let him see his Master.' I recognized the portraits of the Prophets, and I said a blessing. 'Why are you moving your lips?' asked the Emperor. 'Because I am blessing the Prophets,' I answered. 'How did you know them?' he asked. 'By their attributes; for instance, here is Noah with his Ark, which saved him and his family when at the command of God all the earth was drowned in the Flood.' At these words the Emperor laughed, and said, 'You have certainly recognized Noah. As for the Flood, we do not believe it. The Flood did not submerge the whole world. It did not reach China or India.' 'That is Moses with his staff,' I said. 'Yes,' said the Emperor, 'but he was not important and his people were few.' 'There,' I said, 'is Jesus on his ass, surrounded by his apostles.' 'Yes,' said the Emperor: 'He lived only a short time. His mission lasted only thirty months.' Then I saw the Prophet on a camel, and his companions, also on camels, around him. I wept, being much moved. 'Why do you weep?' asked the Emperor. 'Because I see our Prophet, my ancestor.' 'Yes, it is he,' said the Emperor. 'He and his people founded a glorious empire. He did not see it completed, but his successors have.' Above each picture was an inscription [in Chinese], which I supposed to contain an account of their history. I saw also other pictures, which I did not recognize. The interpreter told me that they were the prophets of China and India."


  1. 1. What is the significance of the Chinese emperor being familiar with the Old Testament prophets? With Jesus? With the Prophet Muhammad?

  2. 2. What view of the world is revealed when the Chinese emperor says that the Flood did not reach China?

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