Non-charitable purpose trusts

Quiz Content

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Lucille left property to Charity A, including a vintage car to be kept in good repair. If Charity A fails to keep the car in good repair, then it is to be transferred to Charity B.
Is this a valid arrangement?

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Tobias left in his will a clubhouse, changing rooms, and football pitch for his local football club. In his will, he stated that he was leaving the property 'for the purposes of the club to encourage the joy of football'.
Is this a valid trust?

not completed
X is an unincorporated association which held several buildings on trust for the members of the association. There were lots of different classes of member, including full, associate, honorary, temporary, and junior members. X sold the buildings.
How are the proceeds of sale to be distributed among the members?

not completed
Money paid by identified donors for the purposes of X, an unincorporated association, is held on express trust. X is dissolved.
What happens to the property?

not completed
Property is held on an express trust for the present members of X, an unincorporated association. X is dissolved.
What happens to the property?

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