
Quiz Content

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How do the nature of the rights enforceable by beneficiaries differ depending on the trust?

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At what time does the beneficial interest to property that is left in a will pass to the beneficiaries on the death of the testator?

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'Beneficiaries have a right to examine trust documents because they belong to the trust and so belong, in Equity, to the beneficiaries.'

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There are various principles relating to a beneficiary's right to information. Which of the following are true?

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What is the consequence of a failure to comply with the requirement of signed writing in disposing of an equitable interest?

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When does section 53(1)(c) of the Law of Property Act 1925 apply?

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If a beneficiary instructs the trustee to sell shares to a third party, then the beneficiary's interest in the shares is overreached. If the beneficiary changes her mind before the shares are sold, and tells the trustee not to sell the shares, and the trustee sells the shares anyway, what is the consequence for the beneficiary?

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A is entitled to receive a future benefit and nominates that this benefit should be received by B. A does not make this request in signed writing. Is the assignment to B void?

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'If a beneficiary disclaims an interest under a trust, this does not need to be in writing.'

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'If beneficiaries are entitled to trust property in succession, the only requirement for the termination of the trust is that all of the beneficiaries agree.'

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When can the settlor exclude the operation of the rule in Saunders v Vautier?

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What does the rule in Saunders v Vautier illustrate?

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Which of the following need to be established in order for objects under a discretionary trust to use the rule in Saunders v Vautier?

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