Quiz Content

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. Descartes believed that interaction between body and mind took place in

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. The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in particular ways in certain circumstances is known as

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. Logical behaviorism is at odds with our commonsense intuition that mental states

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. Descartes says that the chief characteristic of physical things is that

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. When Descartes reasons that it is conceivable that he could exist without his body and that whatever is conceivable is logically possible, he is offering a _______ argument.

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. The contention that bodies and minds must be different things because bodies can be divided into parts but minds cannot is known as a _______ argument.

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. The existence of a form of mental illness known as multiple personality disorder seems to suggest that

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. Regarding mind and body, most contemporary philosophers are

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. Substance dualism is said to violate the scientific principle of

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. According to Descartes, the mind, or soul, is

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. Descartes says that the mind is distinct from the body and

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. Descartes asserts that he knows that he is a substance the whole essence of which is to

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. Cartesian dualism posits

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. According to Searle, the appropriately programmed computer

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. Searle argues that the Chinese room thought experiment shows that

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. Searle asserts that no computer program by itself, however sophisticated, is sufficient for

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. Chalmers's zombie twin is identical to him

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. Chalmers argues that his zombie is

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. According to Block, the Chinese brain system has

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. Nagel declares that the objective perspective is the true perspective.

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. Searle believes that knowledge of what it is like to be a bat can be acquired through scientific investigation.

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. Traditional philosophies of mind can be divided into dualist theories and materialist theories.

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. Qualitative content is a problem for functionalism.

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. Chalmers' theory is compatible with all the results of contemporary science.

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. On Smart's view, there are sensations.

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. Block says that the Chinese brain has a functional organization that brings a mind into existence.

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