Quiz Content

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. The fallacy of rejecting a claim by criticizing the person who makes it rather than the claim itself is known as appeal to

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. A type of ad hominem fallacy that argues that a claim must be true (or false) just because the claimant is hypocritical is called

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. The fallacy of arguing that a claim must be true merely because a substantial number of people believe it is known as appeal to

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. Usually the burden of proof rests on the side that

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. The fallacy of deliberately raising an irrelevant issue during an argument is called a(n)

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. The fallacy of appeal to the person is rejecting a claim by

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. Arguing that your doing something morally wrong is justified because someone else has done the same (or similar) thing is known as the fallacy of

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. A slippery-slope pattern of argument is fallacious when

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. Drawing an unwarranted conclusion or generalization about an entire group of people is called

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. The appeal to popularity is arguing that a claim must be true because

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. A scientific claim must be true if it hasn't been shown to be false.

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. If we could prove something with a lack of evidence, we could prove almost anything.

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. Good writers never combine arguments with appeals to emotion.

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. The following argument pattern is an example of begging the question: "Reinterpret claim X so that it becomes the weak or absurd claim Y; attack claim Y; conclude that X is unfounded."

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. The attempt to establish the conclusion of an argument by using that conclusion as a premise is known as equivocation.

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. Slippery-slope arguments are fallacious because they offer no good reasons for believing that the sequence of steps referred to will happen as predicted.

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. The following argument is an example of equivocation: "The political action committee is very prestigious in Washington; we can expect, then, that each of its soldiers is very prestigious in Washington."

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. The fact that someone has dubious reasons for making a claim does not show that the claim is false.

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. The fallacy of composition is thinking that the characteristics of the parts are somehow transferred to the whole.

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. The fallacy of division is frequently used in statistical arguments.

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