Quiz Content

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. The work of building a plausible worldview will always involve

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. Subjective relativism implies that each person is

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. Cultural relativism implies that it is impossible to disagree with one's culture and be

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. Gauging the truth of moral premises mostly involves examining the support they get from

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. The theory that what makes an action right is approval from one's culture is known as

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. The data that moral theories try to explain are

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. According to moral philosophers, the preferred relationship between moral facts and theory is known as

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. Our moral experience involves

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. Act-utilitarianism says that what makes an action right is that it

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. Many moral philosophers say that act-utilitarianism conflicts with

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. Our moral experience might involve making moral judgments, but it does not include having moral disagreements.

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. What matters most in act-utilitarianism is whether a moral law is broken.

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. A crucial criterion for judging a worldview is internal consistency.

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. Nonmoral statements assert that something is right or wrong, good or bad.

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. In a moral argument, we can infer what should be or ought to be (in the conclusion) from statements about what is.

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. Both plausible scientific theories and plausible moral theories must be conservative.

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. According to act-utilitarianism, if two actions produce exactly the same amount of overall happiness, one of the actions must be wrong.

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. If the theories that make up our worldview are inconsistent with one another, that doesn't mean there is anything necessarily wrong with our worldview.

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. A moral argument can be devised without including any moral premises.

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. We all have a worldview, and our notions about morality are an important part of it.

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. We all have a worldview, and our notions about morality are an important part of it.

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