Quiz Content

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. According to Paley, we must conclude that a watch had an intelligent designer if the watch

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. Anselm assumes that a being that exists in reality is greater than a being that

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. Rowe argues that we can allow someone to define God anyway she wants, yet it will not follow from that definition that such a being

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. Hick says the idea of a person who can be infallibly guaranteed always to act rightly is

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Pascal believes that when it comes to the question of God's existence

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. Pascal says that if you bet that God exists, and he does in fact exist, you

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. James says that a genuine option is

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. According to Kant, to say that something exists is to

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. Mackie says that religious experiences are

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. According to Hick, a certain amount of evil in the world is

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. Behe says that an irreducibly complex biological system would be a powerful challenge to

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. According to Behe, the gradual accumulation of mutations

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. Some design arguments are framed as

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. According to Swinburne, the simplicity of a scientific theory is a matter of its having

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True or False? Paley says that if we found a watch and examined it closely, we would naturally infer that it had a maker, even if we had never seen a watch made.

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. True or False? Paley says that the anthropic principle does not support the idea of intelligent design of the universe.

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True or False? If sound, Aquinas's arguments prove that the God of traditional religion (an all-knowing, all-good, all-powerful being) exists.

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True or False? Paley's argument, if cogent, proves that the designer of the world was a single being.

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. True or False? Philo declares that this world is the perfect product of a perfect deity.

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. True or False? According to Rowe, if we grant to Anselm the premise that God is a possible being, the argument is sound.

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True or False? Rowe believes that Anselm's argument fails as a proof of the existence of God.

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. True or False? Hick says that it is possible to show that each item of human pain serves the divine purpose.

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. True or False? Hick concludes that this world is not well adapted to the purpose of soul-making.

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. True or False? Pascal believes that belief in God is a rational act.

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. True or False? Believing that God exists increases the probability that God does in fact exist.

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. True or False? For Hick, soul-making is an essential part of a plausible theodicy.

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. True or False? For Hick, soul-making is an essential part of a plausible theodicy.

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