The Medieval Period
8.1 Between Ancient and Modern
- Understand the historical changes that led to the Middle Ages.
- Summarize the social and cultural conditions that obtained in the Dark Ages.
- Explain how philosophy and the Church were interdependent in the medieval era.
8.2 Augustine
- Recount the main events in Augustine’s life from his dissolute youth to his appointment as bishop of Hippo.
- Define Neoplatonism, necessary truth, and moral evil.
- Explain the significance to Augustine of the biblical quotation, “Unless you believe, you shall not understand.”
- Know Augustine’s response to skepticism and describe the kinds of knowledge that he thinks humans can attain.
- Summarize Augustine’s doctrine of the great chain of being.
- Understand how Augustine explains the presence of evil in the world.
8.3 Anselm and Aquinas
- Relate the premises and conclusion of Anselm’s ontological argument and summarize criticisms of it.
- Explain Gaunilo’s objection to Anselm’s argument.
- Define ontological argument, cosmological argument, natural law theory, and the doctrine of double effect.
- Explain and evaluate Aquinas’s first-cause argument.
- Explain Aquinas’s objection to an infinite chain of movers and summarize how critics have responded to it.
- Understand Aquinas’s natural law theory of ethics.
- Assess the proposition that nature is teleological.
8.4 Avicenna and Maimonides
- Summarize Avicenna’s contributions to philosophy and science.
- Explain and evaluate Avicenna’s argument for the existence of the soul.
- Understand Maimonides’s rational approach to biblical writings.
8.5 Hildegard of Bingen
- Define mysticism.
- Recount the main events in Hildegard’s biography.
- Summarize her theory of ethics.
8.6 William of Ockham
- Explain Ockham’s principle of parsimony.
- Describe the medieval debate between realism and nominalism and give one reason why the issue is important.