The Hellenistic Era

7.1 Epicurus

  • Define Hellenistic era, hedonism, Epicureanism, and atomism.
  • Explain what Epicureanism is and how it differs from popular misconceptions of it.
  • Understand Epicurus’s concept of pleasure and why unrestrained pleasure is to be avoided.
  • Know why Epicurus says that death and the gods are nothing to fear.
  • Explain why Epicurus thinks that pleasure is our ultimate aim.

7.2 Epictetus

  • Define Stoicism.
  • Explain why Stoicism has been so important in the history of philosophy.
  • Summarize the historical beginnings of Stoicism and the facts of Epictetus’s life.
  • Understand why Stoicism maintains that people of true Stoic virtue cannot be wounded by things external to their souls.
  • Explain the Stoic observation that some things are and are not up to us and how the notion supports Stoicism.
  • Respond to the claim that the Stoic ideal is total impassiveness.

7.3 Sextus Empiricus

  • Define skepticism and appearances.
  • Explain the distinction between appearance and reality.
  • Understand how skeptics can maintain their skepticism and still live a normal life.
  • Critically examine at least five of Sextus’s ten arguments for skepticism.
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