Socrates: An Examined Life

Quiz Content

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. Socrates was said to have been physically __________ and personally __________.

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. According to Socrates, nothing is more important in life than __________.

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. Socrates's method of philosophy most often begins with a __________.

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. Socrates was branded a(n) __________ by many of his contemporaries, including the playwright Aristophanes.

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. Socrates equated virtue with __________.

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. At his trial, Socrates refuses to cease __________ even on pain of death.

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. In the Apology, Socrates declares __________.

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. Socrates professes __________.

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. For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of __________.

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. If you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. This kind of argument is known as __________.

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. According to Socrates, the pursuit of __________ to the exclusion of all else is a clear sign of __________.

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. For Socrates the good of the soul is attained only through an uncompromising search for

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. Socrates made many enemies throughout Athens by __________.

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. Socrates claims to be a __________ for Athens's sake.

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. Socrates claims that __________ is not to be feared.

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. Socrates influenced Plato and Aristotle through his grand metaphysical systems and many written works.

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. According to Socrates, nothing can harm a good man either in life or after death.

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. At his trial, Socrates's cross-examination shows that Meletus's position is inconsistent.

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. Socrates immediately accepts the Oracle's pronouncement that no one in Athens is wiser than he.

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. Socrates accepts the charges against him, but uses the trial as an opportunity to explain how they came about.

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. Socrates believes that people pursue the good if they know what it is.

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. Socrates is a committed Sophist.

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. The Socratic method often takes the form of reductio ad absurdum.

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. Socrates often demonstrates that people who think themselves wise really are not.

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. Socrates is primarily interested in questions about politics.

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