From Hobbes to Hume
10.1 Hobbes
- Define justice, distributive justice, and social contract theory.
- Summarize the main features of Hobbes’s social contract theory.
- Understand Hobbes’s view of human nature.
- Explain Hobbes’s definition of justice and how justice can come into being as the Leviathan assumes power.
- Know the three main similarities between Hobbes’s and Locke’s social contract theories and enumerate the dissimilarities.
10.2 Locke
- Summarize Locke’s arguments against the notion of innate ideas.
- Explain Locke’s reference to the mind as unmarked “white paper.”
- Explain in what way Locke is an empiricist.
- Understand the misgivings that philosophers have about cognitive relativism.
- Summarize the main criticism that both rationalists and empiricists have of Locke’s theory of knowledge.
10.3 Berkeley
- Know the meaning of Berkeley’s famous phrase, “To be is to be perceived.”
- Explain how Berkeley’s theory of knowledge differs from Locke’s.
- Understand why Berkeley asserts that there are no material objects.
- State and evaluate Berkeley’s logical argument that material objects cannot exist.
- Understand how Berkeley brings in the concept of God to explain how knowledge is possible.
10.4 Hume
- Define principle of induction.
- Explain Hume’s distinction between relations of ideas and matters of fact.
- Explain why Hume concludes that theological and metaphysical speculations are worthless.
- Trace Hume’s reasoning that ultimately leads him to strong skepticism.
- State Hume’s argument against the principle of induction.
10.5 Spinoza
- Define pantheism.
- Understand what Spinoza attempts to do by laying out his arguments in “geometrical order.”
- Grasp Spinoza’s reason for thinking that humans can have free will.
- Understand why Spinoza’s view has been labeled a form of pantheism.
10.6 Leibniz
- Understand Leibniz’s reasoning that led him to conclude that monads exist.
- Explain the meaning of Leibniz’s notion about our wills being inclined by God but not necessitated.
- State and evaluate Leibniz’s belief that this world is the best of all possible worlds.