Chapter 13 Self-Practice Quiz

Quiz Content

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. The effort to prove that there are separate races, that race explains basic differences among people, that some races are superior to others, and that the White European race was superior to all is known as

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. Consider this argument: Since society labels people according to racial categories, which often leads to race-based differences in resources, opportunities, and well-being, the concept of race must be conserved. This argument is known as

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. Inferiorizing racism is morally wrong because it violates the fundamental moral principles of

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. _______ is a measure of the overall health of a population, typically expressed as the average number of years a newborn would be expected to live.

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. Racial discrimination can lead to health disparities via

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. There is consensus among scientists that there are distinct groups of people sharing significant biological characteristics, and that race has a physical, scientific basis.

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. The idea that people can be divided into discrete groups based on their common biological and cultural traits originated in the ancient world.

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. Racism can harm people through institutions and procedures—even when the persons behind those systems do not themselves harbor any racial prejudice.

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. Researchers have found significant health disparities between whites and minorities, with the latter often faring worse.

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. Using race as a factor in diagnosis and treatment is an uncontroversial method of customizing patient treatment.

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