Journal articles: Chapter 20
Pesticide stability and mobility
Occurrence of Atrazine and Related Compounds in Sediments of Upper Great Lakes, Guo, J., Z. Li, P. Ranasinghe, S. Bonina, S. Hosseini, M.B. Corcoran, C. Smalley, R. Kaliappan, Y. Wu, D. Chen, A.L. Sandy, Y. Wang, K.J. Rockne, N.C. Sturchio, J.P. Giesy, and A. Li, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50 (14), pp 7335–7343.
In Chapter 20 we discuss the stability and mobility (leachability) of pesticides. This paper discusses an excellent example of a widely used pesticide, providing a current overview of the occurrence of atrazine (and related compounds) in the sediments of the upper great lakes.
Mobility of organic compounds
Visualising the equilibrium distribution and mobility of organic contaminants in soil using the chemical partitioning space, Wongab F., and F. Wania, J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 1569 (Published by RCS, April 2011)
Our discussion of the partitioning and distribution of chemical species is enhanced by this paper, providing a more in-depth characterization of the variety of processes involved. This topic also clearly relates to Section 20.2, where we discuss mobility of organic compounds in the soil environment. (see also Chapter 14)