Journal articles: Chapter 12
Humic material properties
Increased Electron-Accepting and Decreased Electron-Donating Capacities of Soil Humic Substances in Response to Increasing Temperature, Tan, W., B. Xi, G. Wang, J. Jiang, X. He, X. Mao, R. Gao, C. Huang, H. Zhang, D. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Yuan, and X. Zhao, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (6), pp 3176–3186, Publication Date (Web): February 17, 2017 (Article) DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04131.
In Chapter 12 the properties of Humic substances dominates the Section 12.3. This paper provides further detail about the influence of temperature on the redox processes of these humic substances. The authors propose that the humic substances structures are tied to the type and abundance of redox-active functional moieties in their structure and that temperature can affect the production of these natural organic materials. Figure 1, redrawn from the article, shown below, depicts a simple description of the effect of temperature on the redox processes of humic substances (HS).
Figure 1 redrawn from Increased Electron-Accepting and Decreased Electron-Donating Capacities of Soil Humic Substances in Response to Increasing Temperature, Tan, W., B. Xi, G. Wang, J. Jiang, X. He, X. Mao, R. Gao, C. Huang, H. Zhang, D. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Yuan, and X. Zhao, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (6), pp 3176–3186, Publication Date (Web): February 17, 2017 (Article)
Mobile aliphatic domains in humic substances and their impact on contaminant mobility within the matrix, Fomba, K.W., P. Galvosas, U. Roland, J.Kaerger, and F.-D. Kopinke, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 5164–5169 (Published by ACS, May 2011).
This paper focuses on the inner workings of humic substances enhancing our depiction of the complex composition and structure found on pp 277-282. As well, their discussion adds to our brief introduction for how humic materials interact with contaminants on pp 285-286.
Humic ion-binding model VII: a revised parameterisation of cation-binding by humic substances, Tipping E., S. Lofts and J. E. Sonke, Environ. Chem. 2011, 8, 225 (Published by CSIRO, June 2011)
Both Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 discuss binding of ions with humic materials and this paper provides a vast collection of data and interpretation of results to enhance our predictive capabilities.