Journal articles: Chapter 09
Remediation of a Eutrophic Bay in the Baltic Sea, Rydin, E., L. Kumblad, F. Wulff, and P. Larsson, Environ. Sci. Technol., Articles ASAP (As Soon As Publishable), Publication Date (Web): March 28, 2017 (Article), DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06187.
Chapter 9 is our introductory chapter to the aqueous environment and it introduces many of the properties about and processes that occur within various types of water bodies. This paper provide a detailed example of many of these fundamentals while also demonstrating an ability to remediate affected systems.
Groundwater depletion embedded in international food trade, Dalin, C., Y. Wada, T. Kastner & M.J. Puma, Nature, 2017, 543, pp 700-704: March 30, 2017, DOI:10.1038/nature21403.
This paper discusses important links between groundwater use, food production and international trade. It introduces the essential idea that water is ‘embedded’ in food in that copious quantities are required to grow the crops that feed humans. The embedded water is often referred to as ‘virtual water’. When these crops are exported, in essence, one is exporting the embedded water. This then can lead to depletion of water supplies especially in countries which have limited water resources. This ties in closely with the ideas expressed in the literature link in Chapter 9. Perhaps you can think of an appropriate indicator to measure the ecological impact of virtual water export.