- Who was Ashley Smith and how is her story related to goal competence?
- What is involved in the influence process?
- What is social influence? What three types of influence behaviors do Sanders and Fitch identify? Does culture play any role influence behaviors?
- What does the film Thank You for Smoking illustrate about goal competence?
- What three issues are addressed in influence attempts?
- What two kinds of face are defined in this chapter?
- How are influence attempts related to face needs?
- How should people take face into account when framing requests?
- What is psychological reactance?
- What is symbolic role taking and why is it important for influence?
- What is the difference between learning, consistency, and value theories?
- How are these theories different from each other?
- What are the basic elements of learning theory?
- What are the three major learning theories?
- What is the difference between social learning theory and operant conditioning? What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?
- What happens in Classical Conditioning?
- How does Pavlov’s dog experiment illustrate Classical Conditioning?
- What is the luncheon technique and how does it illustrate Classical Conditioning?
- How does cult recruitment illustrate Classical Conditioning?
- What six weapons of influence are described in Interdisciplinary Connection 9.1?
- What does social exchange theory have to say about our choice of relationships? What are relational currencies and how are they related to the way we evaluate
- What is dissonance theory, when does it occur, and how can it be reduced? What is counter-attitudinal advocacy, and how can it be used to influence people?
- What is the foot-in-the-door technique for persuasion?
- What is value theory? How are our identities and values related? How can people be influenced by appeals to their value systems?
- How are identity needs achieved?
- How does gossip illustrate the negotiation of identity?
- What are the five bases of power?
- What are 5 methods of strategic self-presentation? What are some examples of ingratiation, intimidation, self-promotion, exemplification, and supplication?
- What does cognitive response theory say?
- Distinguish between aggressiveness, non-assertiveness, and assertiveness. What are some ways to improve your ability to be assertive?