Quiz Content

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. The kind of influence in which people make a straightforward request for what they want is called

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. A persuadable is

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. Dick tells Jane, "that was incredibly rude of you; you have no manners at all." Dick is doing what to Jane:

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. Whenever Pavlov feeds his dogs meat, he rings a bell. The dogs begin to salivate to the bell. The ringing of the bell is

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. Cognitive dissonance theory is a

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. Charles feels uncomfortable because, although he thinks of himself as an honest person, he lied to his friend Richard. In order to reduce dissonance, he ignores the fact that he lied. He is using which method?

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. To be effective as a mode of influence, commitment should be all of the following EXCEPT

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. Mary is so well-liked that people will do anything she says. This is an example of which kind of power?

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. John threatens to fly into a rage if he is crossed, so people do what he wants. This is an example of which kind of power?

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. Bob cooks for his girlfriend; it's his way of showing her he cares about her. His cooking is an example of

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