Quiz Content

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. Research supports the view that emotions interfere with or cloud our cognitive judgments.

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. A schema is a cognitive structure that helps people process and organize information.

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. Studies have shown that people, especially when distracted or multi-tasking, often rely on stereotypes and mis-remember a conversational partner as making statements consistent with the stereotype even when they did not.

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. Relational schemas and role schemas are the same thing.

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. People tend to be highly resistant to learning information that contradicts their self-schemas.

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. We are more likely to selectively attend to behaviors or features that are more intense, novel, complex, or sudden.

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. The anchoring effect refers to the fact that most people use new information to overcome their initial point of view about a person, place, or thing.

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. The counterclockwise study showed that aging is unrelated to cognitive assumptions; it is purely physical.

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. According to the mood congruity hypothesis, when we are in a bad mood, we tend to communicate more accurately.

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. In Janice Krieger's study of simulated cockpit crisis situations, co-pilots who employed key elements of mindless interaction demonstrated the highest levels of successful decision-making.

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