1. What did Ellen Langer find in her counterclockwise study?
  2. What does it mean to be mindless (in the sense Langer uses the term)? What does it mean to be mindful?
  3. What functions do perceptions serve? How do people use their perceptions? 
  4. In what sense is perception a complex process? 
  5. What role does emotion play in perception? 
  6. What is the mood congruity hypothesis? 
  7. Is perception only a product of the present? 
  8. What does imagination permit us to do? 
  9. How does motivation affect perception? 
  10. What is social cognition? Why do the authors include discussion of personal cognitive structures in a textbook about interpersonal communication? 
  11. What is the principle of least effort? 
  12. Why does social cognition play such an important role in interpersonal communication? 
  13. What did Janice Krieger learn about crisis communication in the cockpit? 
  14. What is a schema?
  15. What is a role schema? A relational schema? A self-schema? An event schema? 
  16. What is a script? What is an episode?
  17. How are scripts related to episodes? What kinds of episodes are highly scripted? What kinds of episodes are not scripted?
  18. What are some of the negative aspects of scripts?
  19. What is a prototype model? What is an exemplar model? 
  20. What is a personal construct?
  21. What is a stereotype?
  22. How is the film Memento related to perception?
  23. What is meant by naïve realism? 
  24. What is the dual-process model of impression formation? 
  25. What is controlled categorization? 
  26. What is personalization? 
  27. What are open, closed, and defined episodes? 
  28. Why do people tend to underestimate the importance of situation on perception? 
  29. Give an example of an implicit personality theory. What does it mean to say that some traits are central traits?
  30. What is a primacy effect and why is it important? What is the recency effect? 
  31. What is self-monitoring?
  32. When we make an internal or dispositional attribution, to what are we attributing a person's behavior? When we make a situational attribution, how are we explaining behavior?
  33. What is the discounting rule and what does it suggest?
  34. What is the augmenting rule and what does it suggest? 
  35. What are 4 types of attribution bias? 
  36. What two "talk tools" help us make better sense of others' messages?
  37. How can we become more mindful?
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