1. What are sociable robots? What does Sherry Turkle have to say about our relationship to them?
  2. What is listening? How is it different from hearing?
  3. What are the stages in the listening process?
  4. What are the two factors that Cooper believes lead to effective listening?
  5. What is active listening? What verbal and nonverbal behaviors are part of active listening?
  6. How has the “message ecosystem” that surrounds us changed the way we listen?
  7. What are the six types of listening discussed in the text? What counts as success in each?
  8. What four styles of listening have been identified? How do people with each style view listening?
  9. What five things should we listen for?
  10. What are interpersonal conflicts?
  11. What are three reasons conflicts are healthy?
  12. According to Fisher and Ury, what are the pitfalls to effective conflict management?
  13. What are the hot and cool systems?
  14. How does stress affect emotion during conflict?
  15. What can be done to “cool off” hot emotions?
  16. What kinds of biased perceptions happen during conflict?
  17. What is the illusion of transparency?
  18. What kinds of ineffective communication can harm conflict management?
  19. What is gunny-sacking? What is kitchen-sinking?
  20. What are interests? What are positions?
  21. What does it mean to hold an entity theory about human nature? What does it mean to hold an incremental theory? How are these attitudes related to one’s ability to manage conflict?
  22. What are some ways to improve empathic listening?
  23. What did Sillars, Smith and Koerner find about the way parents and children view conflicts? How are these differences explained?
  24. According to Jackson and Jamieson, what kinds of things do we do that make us targets for spin?
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