Quiz Content

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. Research on the relationship between body types and attraction suggests that:

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. Which of the following qualify as the type of gestures known as object-adaptors?

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. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors are involved in expressing liking or affection for another person:

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. Leakage cues refer to

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. How did you know I was angry?" is typical of a person with which characteristic styles of facial expression?

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. Chronemics refers to the interpretation of messages involving which sense:

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. Which theory explains whether nonverbal behavior will be reciprocated or compensated for based primarily on positive or negative valence and the perceived reward value of the other person?

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. Equivocal communication refers to

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. According to cognitive valence theory, which of the following schemata are necessary to make sense of expectancy violations:

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. Body symmetry refers to

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