1. As a class, list all of the cultural groups that have affected you. Share with one another the effects membership in these groups has had on you. Why are some more important than others?
  2. Is there a country or a culture you have always been interested in? Why? What about it seems appealing to you? On the other hand, are there countries or cultures that you characterize negatively? Why? What are your characterizations, and how fair are they?
  3. Discuss Samovar"s description of the dominant American cultural pattern. Do you agree with it or disagree? If you disagree, decide as a class how you would describe American culture. Now consider how communication patterns are related to cultural values.
  4. Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, did you experience trouble in adapting? If you did, how did you resolve your feelings? If you did not, what do you think prevented it?
  5. What prejudices do you hold? Where do they come from, and how do you deal with them?
  6. What do you think can be done to increase subcultural understanding? Why do you think people from different subcultures have difficulty with one another?
  7. Some people have suggested that in America males and females are brought up in two different cultures. Do you believe gender is a culture? Explain.
  8. Have you ever been offended by sexist or racist comments? What kinds of comments bother you? Discuss them and explain your concerns.
  9. For you personally what would be the advantages and disadvantages of living in each of the other eras we discussed in this chapter.
  10. How would you characterize the era in which we live today? What social or technological factors are changing the ways we form relationships and communicate with one another?
  11. Imagine how the American home might change in the next ten years and how those changes might affect the families who reside in them.
  12. Which of the customs we follow today do you think will look strange to the next generation?
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