Moral Theory Selections

Quiz Content

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. Timmons suggests that many people believe in moral relativism because

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. According to Mill, the value of a particular pleasure depends on

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. Aquinas's moral theory is a version of

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. According to Aquinas, every law is ordained to

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. Which of the following is not an example Aquinas gives of a self-evident proposition?

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. Kant's moral theory is a version of

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. Locke can be thought of as accepting a

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. Ross's moral theory is a version of

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. Ross claims that the essential defect of utilitarianism is that it ignores

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. Ross argues that the existing body of moral convictions of the best people is the cumulative product of

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. What information is available to occupants within Rawls's original position?

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. Aristotle's moral theory is a version of

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. Which of the following is an example of a virtue?

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. Aristotle claims that a state of character arises from the repetition of similar

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. According to Collins, one key claim of care ethics is that

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. One objection to care ethics is that it seems to imply that we are responsible for our attitudes, even though they seem not to be under our voluntary control. Collins responds by arguing that

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. Collins suggests that the moral value of caring actions comes from

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. According to Timmons, it is perfectly alright to argue against moral relativism on the basis of certain moral convictions.

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. According to Mill, it's compatible with the principle of utility that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable than others.

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. According to Mill, if happiness were not acknowledged to be an end, then nothing could ever convince any person that it was so.

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. Aquinas denies that the first precept of the natural law is known by all.

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. According to Kant, breaking a promise is not wrong so long as no one is harmed by breaking that promise.

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. Kant maintains that the value of a good will is determined entirely by its effects on others.

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. Ross argues that there is a single moral principle that can be used to derive all specific moral obligations.

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. John Rawls argues that a just society must be one in which there are no inequalities.

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. According to Rawls, the principles of justice would be chosen by free, rational, and altruistic persons who seek to advance the interests of others for their own sake.

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. Aristotle claims that the good for human beings is friendship.

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. Aristotle argues that virtue is a feeling.

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. Care ethics is a complete normative ethical theory.

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. A common objection to the view that life has no higher end than pleasure (i.e.,Mill's utilitarianism) is that it's a doctrine worthy only of _________.

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. For Mill, _________ and freedom from pain are the only things desirable as ends.

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. According to Aquinas, _________ law is that part of God's eternal law that concerns how human beings ought to conduct themselves.

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. According to Aquinas, a(n)_________ proposition is one in which its subject contains the notion of its predicate.

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. Kant's fundamental principle of morality is known as the _________.

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. One of Kant's formulations of his fundamental principle of morality presents appeals to the principle: "Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a _________ law."

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. According to Locke, all men are subject to the _________ of nature.

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. According to Locke, all men are naturally in a state of perfect _________.

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. The view that there is a plurality of irreducible moral rules that are basic in moral thought is known as moral _________.

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. According to John Rawls, the difference principle expresses a conception of _________ because it is a principle of mutual benefit.

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. According to Aristotle, a happy or good life essentially involves a life of activity in accordance with _________.

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. Collins argues that we should acknowledge that _________ gives rise to weighty moral duties.

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