The Environment, Consumption, and Climate Change

Quiz Content

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. Biocentrism is the view that

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. Suppose Mary says, "I understand that the use of the pesticide DDT will prevent thousands of human beings from dying of malaria. But it is still wrong to use DDT, because ultimately all that matters is the functional integrity of the ecosystems in which human beings live, and using DDT will severely damage this integrity." Mary is most likely a proponent of

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. Suppose Nathan argues that while neither nonhuman nor nonsentient beings have direct moral standing, we still ought to have a certain noninstrumental regard for the environment because failing to do so involves a deficiency in one's moral character. Nathan is most likely applying what moral theory?

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. If it were known that a policy would wipe out several animal species without negatively affecting human beings, Baxter would most likely say that

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. Baxter claims that his "very general way" of stating what we should strive for environmentally assumes that

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. Leopold claims that history has shown that "the conqueror role is eventually self-defeating." It is self-defeating, in this view, because

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. Leopold most likely describes the "land pyramid" to

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. Instead of asking why the act of destroying the environment might be immoral, Hill wants to ask

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. According to Gardiner, which of the following is an important implication of the fact that carbon dioxide is a long-lived greenhouse gas?

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. In the context of Gardiner's article, what is "the dispersion of causes and effects"?

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. What is an example of "mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon"?

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. Sinnott-Armstrong is most interested in examining issues about the moral obligations of

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. The main difference between "actual act principles" (like the harm principle) and "internal principles" (like the universalizability principle) is that

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. Hourdequin argues that one flaw of consequentialist calculation is that

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. In contrast to Garrett Hardin's approach, the Confucian model rejects coercion because

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. Any ethic that accords direct moral standing to nonhuman creatures is an environmental ethic.

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. Baxter defends an anthropocentric approach to ethical issues concerning the environment.

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. In Baxter's view, the costs of controlling pollution are best expressed in terms of the number of dollars that will need to be spent.

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. Hill claims that it's possible to not regard an act as wrong while at the same time seeing it as reflecting something objectionable about the person who performed that act.

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. According to Hill, understanding one's place in nature is the same thing as appreciating one's place in nature.

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. According to Gardiner, the "fragmentation of agency" leads to humanity's relative inability to respond to climate change due to the lack of an effective, centralized system of global governance.

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. According to Gardiner, the main problem inherent in the theoretical storm of climate change is that of moral corruption.

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. Sinnott-Armstrong claims that it is morally better for individuals to not engage in activities like driving a gas-guzzling car just for fun.

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. According to Sinnott-Armstrong, the fact that we cannot find any moral principle (to support our moral intuitions) shows that we don't need such principles.

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. According to Hourdequin, the integrity of a person committed to opposing climate change grounds a prima facie duty to control his or her greenhouse gas emissions.

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. _________ is the view that all living beings, because they are living, possess direct moral standing, and thus morality includes requirements that include direct moral concern for all living beings.

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. _________ is the view that the only beings who possess direct moral standing are human beings and all other beings (living and nonliving) are of mere indirect moral concern.

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. Because Baxter appeals to the idea that "every human being should be regarded as an end," we can think of him as invoking the _________ formulation of Kant's categorical imperative.

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. Leopold says, "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the _________ community [including soils, waters, plants, animals]. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."

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. The term "the balance of nature," says Leopold, fails to adequately describe what little we know about the land mechanism. He suggests we instead think of the "much truer image . . . employed in ecology": that of the biotic _________.

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. One aspect of humility, what Hill calls _________, "involves acknowledging, in more than a merely intellectual way, that we are the sort of creatures we are."

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. In Gardiner's analysis, climate change is a normal tragedy of the _________.

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. According to Gardiner, the problem of overpollution can be characterized as a prisoner's dilemma. On one horn of the dilemma, it is _________ rational not to restrict one's own pollution.

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. According to what Sinnott-Armstrong calls the _________ principle, we have a moral obligation not to make problems worse.

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. In developing her response to Sinnott- Armstrong, Hourdequin appeals to the _________ nature of Confucius's account of persons.

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