The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Quiz Content

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. Mary's laptop deserves moral consideration only because she owns it and cares about it. Thus, Mary's laptop has

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. If animals have no direct or indirect moral standing, then using them for human purposes is

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. According to Singer, which of the following is the single relevant factor in determining whether something has moral status?

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. In Singer's understanding, the principle of the equality of human beings is

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. What, according to Singer, is the only defensible boundary of concern for the interests of others?

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. According to Singer, the conclusions argued for in "all animals are equal" flow from which of the following principles alone?

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. Which of the following is a possible source of obligations, according to Cohen?

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. According to Cohen, animals are

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. Carruthers argues that, on contractualist grounds, nonhuman animals may be accorded which of the following kinds of moral standing?

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. According to Carruthers, which of the following groups should not be accorded direct moral standing?

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. In Carruther's view, the justification for moral criticism for things that we do (or don't to do) to an animal derives from

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. Which of the following potentially morally relevant differences between Fred's behavior and the behavior of the consumers of factory-raised meat does Norcross not discuss?

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. According to Norcross, which of the following arguments poses a formidable challenge to any proposed criterion of full moral standing that excludes animals?

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. According to some defenders of meat-eating, the suffering of animals counts less than the suffering of humans (if at all) because

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. Norcross agrees that if a being is incapable of moral reasoning, at even the most basic level, then it cannot be

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. Because animals cannot be virtuous, a virtue ethics approach cannot be applied within the context of the ethics of eating animals.

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. Most philosophers who have proposed the principle of equality have recognized that this principle applies to members of other species as well as to our own.

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. According to Singer, equal treatment entails identical treatment.

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. According to Singer, we ought not to base our opposition to racism and sexism on actual equality among human beings.

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. Cohen accepts that humans do have some moral obligations to animals.

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. According to Cohen, there is a sense in which animals have inherent value.

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. According to Carruthers, contractualism can't consistently deny moral standing to animals without also withholding it from infants and mentally "defective" humans.

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. Carruthers argues that nonhuman animals have direct moral standing.

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. Norcross thinks that what grounds moral agency is different from what grounds moral standing as a patient.

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. Norcross believes that the behavior of those who knowingly support factory farming is morally permissible.

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. Roughly, for something to have _________ moral standing is for it, independent of its relation to other things or creatures, to possess features in virtue of which it deserves to be given moral consideration.

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. According to Singer, it is an implication of the _________ that our concern for others and our readiness to consider their interests shouldn't depend on what they are like or on what abilities they may possess.

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. Singer refers to the view that it's always wrong to take an innocent human life as the _________ view.

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. Cohen discusses the view of Immanuel _________ that to be a moral agent is to be able to grasp the generality of moral restrictions on our will.

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. According to Carruthers, if a set of moral rules is to provide social stability and preserve the peace, that set of moral rules must be _________.

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. According to Carruthers, the most basic kind of wrongdoing toward animals is _________.

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. Carruthers tentatively suggests that our Western moral attitudes toward animals form part of the _________ content of our morality.

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. According to Norcross, those who attempt to justify their meat-eating by appeal to a claim of causal impotence are guilty of _________.

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. In the course of uncovering what he takes to be the speciesist's central confusion, Norcross questions the moral relevance of _________.

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. The traditional view is that _________ is what morally separates humans from other animals.

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