Chapter 5 Interactive key cases

Sources of Law III: Effect of EU and International Law

Costa refused to pay his electricity bill, alleging it breached the Treaty of Rome.

EU law takes precedence over post-dating national legislation that conflicts with it.

Defrenne sought to invoke a Treaty article in an equal pay claim.

Treaty articles are also capable of horizontal direct effect.

Directives can only be invoked vertically, against the state or a public body, and cannot be invoked horizontally.

A Directive cannot be directly effective until its implementation deadline has passed.

Van Duyn challenged the UK’s refusal to grant her entry into the country.

This was a challenge to a customs fee, arguing it breached the free movement of goods.

The principle of direct effect was established. A Treaty article is directly effective if it is ‘clear, precise, and unconditional’ and its implementation requires no legislative intervention by Member States.

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