Chapter 5 Further Readings and Websites


Nelson, Maggie. (2015). The Argonauts. Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press.

This book looks at gender fluidity and the creation of a family. It is a memoir by Nelson about her relationship with a transgender partner.

Seidman S. (2010). Social Construction of Sexuality. New York: W.W. Norton.

The Social Construction of Sexuality stresses that our current understanding of sexuality is socially constructed. The meanings given to sexual things are embedded in our language, laws, popular culture, and social rituals. These meanings are fluid; they change over time and from culture to culture.

Thompson, A.E., & O’Sullivan, L.F. (2013). The relationship between men’s facial masculinity and women’s judgments of value as a potential romantic partner. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(1), 5–12.

The cues associated with facial masculinity are considered as criteria used by women to choose men as their romantic partners. The findings in this paper indicate that women judged men with high facial masculinity to have had more previous romantic partners and to take longer to fall in love. An interesting piece of research done by two Canadian psychologists.

Decker, Julia. (2014). The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.

In a world that silences the voices of those who identify as asexual, Decker gives voice the large number of people who are living in a world that treats sexual interest as the norm and not having interest in sex as a psychological ailment.

Fine, Cordelia. (2010). Delusions of Gender. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.

Delusions of Gender rethinks gender binary in today’s discourse. Instead, Fine untangles the notion that there are strict differences between males and females.

Slane, A. (2013). Sexting and the law in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(3), 117–122.

The author discusses the current state of Canadian legal approaches to sexting and the conceptual difficulties that continue to disturb the search for appropriate legal responses to malicious form of sexting.

Wentland, J, & Reissing, E. (2014). Casual sexual relationships: Identifying definitions for one night stands, booty calls, fuck buddies, and friends with benefits. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 23(3), 167–177.

In this exploratory study the authors have attempted to find appropriate definitions for newer forms of sexual relationship (casual sexual encounters) among young adults.

Horowitz, A.D., & Spicer, I. (2013). Having sex as a graded and hierarchical construct: A comparison of sexual definitions among heterosexual and lesbian emerging adults in the UK. Journal of Sex Research, 50(2), 139–150.

This paper argues that more refinement is needed regarding the impact of sexual orientation on the construction of what counts as sex. In this empirical research based on interviews with hetero sexual and homosexual couples, there was substantial agreement that intercourse (vaginal and anal) was “definitely,” and kissing was “definitely not,” sex. However, across the various acts, participants also consistently made use of options between these extremes, such that a clear hierarchy of sexual behaviours emerged. The implications of graded definitions of sex, a hierarchy of sexual behaviours, and the role of sexual behaviours in hetero- and homosexual identity management are explored.

Mendes, E. & Maroney, M. 2019. Gender Identity, sexuality, and autism: voices from across the spectrum. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Ltd.

Mendes and Maroney write about those on the periphery of the LGBTQI+ community, focusing on people who identify as outside of the framework of heterosexual and are autistic.

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Recommended Websites

The Trevor Project:

The Trevor Project is a resource for those identifying as LGBTQI+ and struggling with mental health challenges. The project provides counselling, online resources, and community outreach programs.

Gender Spectrum:

Gender Spectrum is a project that aims to create a more inclusive world for those identifying in the LGBTQI+ community. Through trainings, online resources, and leadership groups, Gender Spectrum is about bringing our world to a place of inclusivity and tolerance.

The Human Rights Campaign:

The Human Rights Campaign is the largest political organization for LGBTQI+ individuals. It provides resources to help ground more concrete inclusive practices in the community.

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