Copeland, D., & Labuski, C. (2013). The World of Wal-Mart: Discounting the American dream. New York: Routledge
This book examines how multi-national enterprises like Wal-Mart become a hindrance to the realization of American dream of socio-economic advancement.
Dean, J.A., & Wilson, K. (2009). Education? It is irrelevant to my job now. Ethnicity and Health,14, 185–204.
This article explores the health impact of under/unemployment among highly-skilled immigrants to Canada. High under/unemployment tends to lead to mental health problems.
Fried, J. & Hansson, D. 2018. It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at Work. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
In It Doesn’t Have the Be Crazy at Work, Fried and Hansson write that despite the grueling mentality that one needs to be overworked and overwhelmed in order to succeed in the twenty-first century workplace, there is still room for sanity and rationality, we just need to cultivate it.
Friedman, Ron. 2014. The Best Places to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace. New York, NY: Penguin Publishing House.
Psychologist Ron Friedman looks at how to most efficiently design the workplace to create environments of productivity, inclusivity, and creativity.
Robbins, R.H. (2014). The rise and fall of the merchant, industrialist, and financier. In R.H. Robbins Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (pp. 57–98) (6th ed.). Toronto: Pearson.
This chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of how economic systems evolved over the years in world societies. The development of the culture of capitalism is clearly spelled out. A primary reader for the student interested in studying the structural basis of work.
Sharma, N. (2012). The difference that borders make: Temporary foreign workers and the social organization of unfreedom in Canada. In P.T. Lenard & C. Straehle (Eds.) Legislated Inequality: Temporary Labour Migration in Canada (pp. 1–25). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
A remarkable shift occurred in recent years as the number of temporary labourers admitted to Canada has increased substantially. This article evaluates this radical development in Canadian immigration while arguing that this new trend threatens to undermine Canada’s success story as an immigrant nation.
Turkle, S. (2011). Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Our Technology and Less from Each Other. New York: Basic Books.
This book examines how our incessant attachment to modern technology affects our inter-personal relationships. A very interesting reading.
Recommended Videos
How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace:
In this Ted Talk, Janet Stovall discusses what it would be like to have a workplace where no matter what color, gender, or sexual identity you are a part of, there are the same opportunities to climb the income and leadership ladder.
Inside awards: Red Bull offices by Linda Morey Smith:
In this video, Linda Morey Smith talks about the architectural design of the new Red Bull headquarters and how architecture and innovation merged in order to create spaces that allow for creativity and team building.
Inside the world’s greenest, smartest office space:
This video looks at The Edge, a cutting edge, eco-friendly, and smart workplace facility in Amsterdam.
Jennifer Brown: ‘Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will to Change:
In this video, Jennifer Brown talks about the growing inclusivity and tolerance that is needed in our diversifying work-place environments.
Recommended Websites
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:
This site provides valuable information on workplace bullying and appropriate action to stop it.
Canadian Public Health Association:
The Canadian Public Health Association is responsible for Public Health in Canadian workplaces since 1910. Through advocacy and specific projects, the association is shedding light on ways that our workplaces can be more effective in creating well-being for all.
Great Places to Work:
This website provides numerous resources for people who want to improve their workplace environment. Topics include managing millennials, to barrios, to innovation.
Immigration and Citizenship Canada:
This site provides important information for foreign workers who seek employment opportunities in Canada.
Public Service Commission of Canada:
This federal government website provides valuable information about federal government jobs, required skills, and current job opportunities Canada-wide.