Quiz Content

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. What does l sociology of health explore?

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. What is the biomedical view of health?

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. Worldwide life expectancy is:

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. Which country has the highest life expectancy?

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. What are two ways in which the morbidity rate can be reported?

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. What is an endemic?

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. What does the term "excess deaths" mean?

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. Which is NOT a contributor to the obesity epidemic?

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. According to the World Health Organization, what percentage of the world's children and adolescents have some form of mental disorder?

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. What is comorbidity?

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. According to the biomedical view of health, the human body is a machine that sometimes needs repair and calls for the use of therapeutic intervention to 'cure' disease and injury.

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. Each year, over one million people die of suicide, making it the world's third leading cause of death in 15–29-year-olds.

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. Conflict theorists see good health as the normal, desirable state of an individual.

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. In Frederick Engels book, The Condition of the Working Class in England, he shows that the substandard living conditions of the disadvantaged in Manchester contributed to the city's high death rate.

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. Symbolic interactionists show that health and illness remain the same no matter which country is studied.

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. The social determinants of health perspective views health as a complex relationship among various social, economic, and political factors.

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. Mental disorders and illnesses are social problems because they often interrupt the normal functioning of families, groups, and other social institutions.

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. Workers with high cognitive ability make more use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana the more complex their jobs are.

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. Research shows women tend to drink more responsibly than men, and one of the reasons is that they are more likely to use other chemical substances to cope with stress.

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. 16 percent of the Canadian population smokes.

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