Quiz Content

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. Which of the following is not a climate scientist or organization who helped society understand the effects of human action on the environment?

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. In the past 250 years how many times has the world's population doubled?

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. In 2023, what is the estimated population of the world?

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. What is a "demographic transition"?

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. Modern scientific thinkers on population growth and its effects on societies began with who:

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. What is one solution to the fear of the population outgrowing the food supply?

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. The rate of urbanization has declined in the last five years, for several reasons:

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. Symbolic interactionists study:

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. Urban sprawl is most often characterized as haphazard or ________growth, resulting in ________ land-use patterns.

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. Ecofeminists unite in a central belief in the convergence between ______and ______.

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. For many reasons, fewer and fewer countries are experiencing "water stress," a level of supply that only allows each person an average of 1,000 to 2,000 cubic metres of water per year.

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. The collection and disposal of electronic waste carries no risks.

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. Sustainability is not only a scientific or environmental issue; it is also a cultural issue, in the sense that it requires a change in belief.

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. Birth rates have fallen wherever women have received more education, have delayed marriage, and have enjoyed more social, economic, and political equality with men.

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. Population growth occurs evenly around the world.

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. Preventative checks prevent overpopulation by reducing fertility rates. .

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. The growth of human population has inevitably meant an increased population density on the earth's surface.

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. Max Weber said that cities were one of humanities most inefficient innovations.

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. The number one problem of the urban world is unemployment.

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. The characteristics typical of rural and small-town life is known as Gemeinschaft.

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