Chapter 9 Study Questions
- How many environmental factors can limit photosynthesis at one time? Explain the concept of limiting factor using as an example conditions under which photosynthesis is light-limited or CO2-limited.
Textbook Reference: Introduction, 245–246
- Explain the adaptive advantage of chloroplast movement within mesophyll cells and solar tracking by leaves for light interception by plants.
Textbook Reference: Photosynthesis Is Influenced by Leaf Properties 246–250; Effects of Light on Photosynthesis in the Intact Leaf, 253–254
- Compare and contrast the light compensation point and the CO2 compensation point.
Textbook Reference: Effects of Light on Photosynthesis in the Intact Leaf, 250–251; Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Photosynthesis in the Intact Leaf, 260–262
- Can heat absorption by leaves hinder leaf function? Explain your answer and describe ways in which leaves can dissipate absorbed heat. What would be the major path for heat dissipation in, for example, leaves of irrigated cotton growing at high temperatures in Arizona?
Textbook Reference: Effects of Light on Photosynthesis in the Intact Leaf, 252–254; Effects of Temperature on Photosynthesis in the Intact Leaf, 255–257