Chapter 5 Study Questions
- Which mineral elements does a plant require in order to grow from seed through its life cycle? What are some differences between the requirements of a plant and an animal?
Textbook Reference: Essential Nutrients, Deficiencies, and Plant Disorders, pp. 120–129
- What is an essential element? How many have been identified? What is a beneficial element? Provide an example of a beneficial element.
Textbook Reference: Essential Nutrients, Deficiencies, and Plant Disorders, pp. 120–129
- What is a nutrient solution? Why is it more convenient to use liquid medium, as opposed to soil, to grow plants in nutritional studies? In nutrient solutions, nitrogen can be supplied as NH4+ or NO3–. Which would be used in a nutritional study?
Textbook Reference: Essential Nutrients, Deficiencies, and Plant Disorders, pp. 122–125
- What is a mineral deficiency and how can it be recognized? How can farmers benefit from nutrient analysis of their crops?
Textbook Reference: Essential Nutrients, Deficiencies, and Plant Disorders, pp. 122–129; Treating Nutritional Deficiencies, pp. 129–130
- How do plants optimize nutrient uptake from the soil? How can mycorrhizas help?
Textbook Reference: Treating Nutritional Deficiencies, pp. 133–140