Chapter 4 Study Questions
- Describe the path followed by water from the soil, through the plant and into the atmosphere. Where are the important resistances to water movement in this path?
Textbook Reference: Chapter 4, pp. 99–117
- Describe the Casparian strip and its function. From the point of view of its function, what is the most important substance in the Casparian strip?
Textbook Reference: Water Absorption by Roots, pp. 102–103
- Describe root pressure and explain under what conditions it might occur.
Textbook Reference: Water Absorption by Roots, pp. 103–104
- How does the relative air humidity affect the transpiration rate of a leaf? If the air surrounding a transpiring leaf becomes warmer, how will this affect the transpiration rate of the leaf?
Textbook Reference: Water Movement from the Leaf to the Atmosphere, pp. 110–112
- What is the driving force for the movement of water from the soil to the top of a tree and into the atmosphere?
Textbook Reference: Water Movement from the Leaf to the Atmosphere, pp. 111–112