Chapter 4 References
Water in the Soil
Water Absorption by Roots
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Water Transport through the Xylem
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Water Movement from the Leaf to the Atmosphere
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Overview: The Soil–Plant–Atmosphere Continuum
Web Topics
Balling, A., and Zimmermann, U. (1990) Comparative measurements of the xylem pressure of Nicotiana plants by means of the pressure bomb and pressure probe. Planta 182: 325-338.
Bange, G. G. J. (1953) On the quantitative explanation of stomatal transpiration. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 2: 255–296.
Canny, M. J.(1995) A new theory for the ascent of sap-cohesion supported by tissue pressure. Annals of Botany 75: 343-357.
Canny, M. J. (1998) Transporting water in plants. Am. Sci. 86: 152–159.
Comstock, J. P. (1999) Why Canny's theory does not hold water. American Journal of Botany 85: 897-909.
Davis, S. D., Sperry, J. S., Hacke, U. G. (1999) The relationship between xylem conduit diameter and cavitation caused by freezing. American Journal of Botany 86: 1367-1372.
Frensch, J., Hsiao, T. C., and Steudle, E. (1996) Water and solute transport along developing maize roots. Planta 198: 348–355.
Hacke, U. G., Stiller, V., Sperry, J. S., Pittermann, J., and McCulloh, K. A. (2001) Cavitation fatigue. Embolism and refilling cycles can weaken the cavitation resistance of xylem. Plant Physiology 125: 779–786.
Holbrook, N. M., Burns, M. J., and Field, C. B. (1995) Negative xylem pressures in plants: A test of the balancing pressure technique. Science 270: 1193–1194.
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Jackson, G. E., Irvine, J., and Grace, J. (1999) Xylem acoustic emissions and water relations of Calluna vulgaris L. at two climatological regions of Britain. Plant Ecology 140: 3-14.
Jensen, C. R., Mogensen, V. O., Poulsen, H.-H., Henson, I. E., Aagot, S., Hansen, E., Ali, M., and Wollenweber, B. (1998) Soil water matric potential rather than water content determines drought responses in field-grown lupin (Lupinus angustifolius). Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 25 (3): 353–363.
Kramer, P. J., and Boyer, J. S. (1995) Water Relations of Plants and Soils. Academic Press, San Diego.
Meidner, H., and Mansfield, D. (1968) Stomatal Physiology. McGraw-Hill, London.
Palevitz, B. A. (1981) The structure and development of guard cells. In Stomatal Physiology, T. A. Mansfield and P. G. Jarvis, eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1–23.
Passioura, J. B. (1980) The meaning of matric potential. J. Exp. Bot. 31: 1161–1169.
Pockman, W. T., Sperry, J. S., and O'Leary, J. W. (1995) Sustained and significant negative pressure in xylem. Nature 378: 715–716.
Sack, F. D. (1987) The development and structure of stomata. In Stomatal Function, E. Zeiger, G. Farquhar, and I. Cowan, eds., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 59–89.
Sharpe, P. J. H., Wu, H., and Spence, R. D. (1987) Stomatal mechanics. In Stomatal Function, E. Zeiger, G. Farquhar, and I. Cowan, eds., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, pp. 91–114.
Steudle, E. (2001) The cohesion-tension mechanism and the acquisition of water by plant roots. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 52: 847-875.
Steudle, E., and Frensch, J. (1996) Water transport in plants: Role of the apoplast. Plant Soil 187: 67–79.
Stiller, V., and Sperry, J. S. (1999). Canny's compensation pressure theory fails a test. American Journal of Botany 86: 1082-1086.
Tyree, M. T. (1997) The cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent: Current controversies. J. Bot Exp.. 48: 1753–1765.
Tyree, M. T., and Sperry, J. S. (1989) Vulnerability of xylem to cavitation and embolism. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 40: 19–38.
Wei, C., Tyree, M. T., and Steudle, E. (1999) Direct measurement of xylem pressure in leaves of intact maize plants. A test of the cohesion-tension theory taking hydraulic architecture into consideration. Plant Physiology 121: 1191-1205.
Zeiger, E., and Hepler, P. K. (1976) Production of guard cell protoplasts from onion and tobacco. Plant Physiol. 58: 492–498.