Chapter 22 Study Questions
- Compare and contrast the vacuolar-type and the hypersensitive response-type of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants.
Textbook Reference: Programmed Cell Death and Autolysis, pp. 668–669
- Define autophagy and discuss its role in plant development. How does the TOR protein kinase regulate autophagy?
Textbook Reference: Programmed Cell Death and Autolysis, pp. 669–671
- Describe the three types of leaf senescence. How can one distinguish between the developmental and chronological age of a leaf?
Textbook Reference: Programmed Cell Death and Autolysis pp. 669–671; The Leaf Senescence Syndrome, p. 673
- Discuss the processes involved in chloroplast senescence and chlorophyll catabolism.
Textbook Reference: The Leaf Senescence Syndrome, pp. 675–676
- Discuss the signaling pathways and key regulatory genes involved in leaf senescence.
Textbook Reference: Leaf Senescence: The Regulatory Network, pp. 678–681
- Discuss the roles of various hormones in regulating leaf senescence.
Textbook Reference: Leaf Senescence: The Regulatory Network, pp. 681–684
- What is leaf abscission and how is it regulated by the hormones auxin and ethylene?
Textbook Reference: Leaf Abscission, pp. 684–686
- Compare and contrast the various types of whole plant senescence.
Textbook Reference: Whole Plant Senescence, pp. 686–687
- Discuss the various hypotheses regarding the causes of monocarpic senescence.
Textbook Reference: Whole Plant Senescence, pp. 688–689
- What has been learned about the senescence of trees from measurements of growth in height versus growth in mass?
Textbook Reference: Whole Plant Senescence, pp. 689–690