Chapter 2 Study Questions
- What was the first plant genome to be sequenced? What is the number of chromosomes this species has? How many protein-coding genes does it have?
Textbook Reference: Nuclear Genome Organization, p. 51
- Compare and contrast two major classes of transposons in plants.
Textbook Reference: Nuclear Genome Organization, p. 53
- Why are interspecies hybrids usually sterile? How can the sterility of interspecies hybrids be overcome? How does the “triangle of U” illustrate this principle?
Textbook Reference: Nuclear Genome Organization, p. 58 - What is the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of cytoplasmic genomes? Which organelles are involved?
Textbook Reference: Plant Cytoplasmic Genomes: Mitochondria and Plastids, p. 61
- Discuss the mechanisms of transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational regulation in eukaryotic gene expression.
Textbook Reference: Transcriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression, pp. 62–66; Posttranscriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression, pp. 67–72
- Diagram the regulatory regions of a typical eukaryotic promoter and how they interact to regulate gene expression.
Textbook Reference: Transcriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression, p. 63
- Define “epigenetic modifications” in relation to genomic regulation, and provide an example.
Textbook Reference: Transcriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression, p. 65
- Discuss the functions and basic mechanisms of the RNA interference pathway. What role does it play in the phenomenon of co-suppression?
Textbook Reference: Posttranscriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression, pp. 67–72
- What is meant by “transformation” and how does Agrobacterium transform a plant cell? What are the various bacterial proteins that participate in the process and what are their functions?
Textbook Reference: Tools for Studying Gene Function, pp. 74–75
- What are the three essential differences between genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and conventionally bred crop varieties?
Textbook Reference: Genetic Modification of Crop Plants, p. 77