Chapter 10 References
Light-dependent Stomatal Opening
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Mediation of Blue-light Photoreception in Guard Cells by Zeaxanthin
Srivastava, A., and Zeiger, E. (1995) Guard cell zeaxanthin tracks photosynthetic active radiation and stomatal apertures in Vicia faba leaves. Plant Cell Environ. 18: 813–817.
Talbott, L. D., Zhu, J., Han, S. W., and Zeiger, E. (2002) Phytochrome and blue light-mediated stomatal opening in the orchid, Paphiopedilum. Plant Cell Physiol. 43: 639–646.
Reversal of Blue Light–Stimulated Opening by Green Light
Frechilla, S., Talbott, L. D., Bogomolni, R. A., and Zeiger, E. (2000) Reversal of blue light-stimulated stomatal opening by green light. Plant Cell Physiol. 41: 171–176.
Karlsson, P. E. (1986) Blue light regulation of stomata in wheat seedlings. II. Action spectrum and search for action dichroism. Physiol. Plant. 66: 207–210.
Talbott, L. D., Hammad, J. W., Harn, L. C, Nguyen, V., Patel, J., and Zeiger, E. (2006) Reversal by green light of blue light-stimulated stomatal opening in intact, attached leaves of Arabidopsis operates only in the potassium dependent, morning phase of movement. Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 333–339.
Web Topics
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