Chapter 1 Study Questions
- Describe the sequence of translation, posttranslational modification, and transport of a newly-made secretory protein through the endomembrane system to the cell wall.
Textbook Reference: The Endomembrane System, pp. 16–23
- What are the differences in structure and function of the double outer membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria?
Textbook Reference: Independently Dividing, Semiautonomous Organelles, pp. 25–29
- Compare the branching of actin filaments and the branching of microtubules in terms of the involvement of accessory proteins and modified cytoskeletal monomers in plants.
Textbook Reference: The Plant Cytoskeleton, pp. 29–33
- How does the organization of the endoplasmic and nuclear envelope change during cell division?
Textbook Reference: Cell Cycle Regulation, pp. 35–39
- How does the vacuole differ and change during development of the cell types involved in long distance transport (xylem, phloem, and laticifers) in the plant?
Textbook Reference: Plant Cell Types, pp. 42–47