Enforcement actions

Quiz Content

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Under Article 260 TFEU the Commission can impose ___________ on a Member State which has failed to comply with a judgment against it made under Article 258 TFEU.

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Proceedings under 258 TFEU action can only be brought in respect of failures on the part of the executive of Member States.

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Failure, as understood under Article 258 TFEU, can include: [Please select all that apply]

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Which of the following accurately describes the way an action under 258 TFEU takes place?

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The reasoned opinion which is delivered by the Commission in the formal procedure is a binding act which is capable of being challenged before the CJ.

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A Member State in an action under 258 TFEU, for failure to comply with Union law, can use as a defence the fact that 'administrative practices' ensure that EU law is in fact applied.

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What is the essential difference, if any, between the procedure under Article 259 TFEU and that under Article 258 TFEU?

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