From EEC to EU: a brief history of the development of the Union

Quiz Content

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The aims of the EEC were exclusively economic.

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Before a country can accede to the EU it must satisfy the following conditions: [Please select all that apply].

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'Enhanced co-operation' among Member States is not possible where:

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The Treaty of Nice addressed unresolved issues from the ________ such as size and composition of the commission, the weighting of votes in the Council, and the extension of qualified majority voting.

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The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was ratified by all Member States and came into force in November 2010.

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Which of the following statements best define the concept of 'intergovernmentalism' in relation to the integration of the EU?

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The Single European Act is a turning point for the EU integration because: [Please select all that apply]

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The UK had a referendum to withdraw from the European Union

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