Quiz Content

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. Which term refers to the process in which people are viewed and judged as essentially different in terms of their intellect, their morality, their values, and their innate worth because of differences of physical type or cultural heritage?

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. Which theory holds the view that ethnicity is established by individuals for varying social purposes?

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. Which theory states that gender is experienced differently, with unique forms of oppression when combined with negatively valued social locations, such as ethnic minorities?

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. During the American Civil War, the British offered black American slaves freedom if they left their American masters to fight on the British side. Many of those freed slaves settled in Canada. In what province did they predominantly settle?

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. Which term refers to situations when racist practices, rules, and laws become institutionalized?

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. What is another term for primordialism?

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. When was Viola Desmond featured on Canada's $10 bill?

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. During 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic that originated in China, hate crimes targeting East and Southeast Asians increased by just over ____ percent.

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. A common form of friendly racism is ________, a casual remark or gesture that reflects racial prejudice and causes offence.

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. The questions "Where are you really from?" and "But you sound white" are examples of large scale, common macro-aggressions.

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. Racism is the product of four linked elements: racialization, prejudice, discrimination, power

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. Subtle forms of racism are often called "friendly or polite racism."

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. The term "race" reflects beliefs about the "natural" or "biological" superiority or inferiority in the context of colonial power.

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. Prejudice is the open, conscious expression of racist views by an individual.

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. "People" is used when referring to a group of individuals or the entire Indigenous community; "peoples" is used only when referring to distinct groups.

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. The epiphenomenal approach to ethnicity suggests that any ethnic conflict is really just a byproduct of the struggle between economic classes.

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. Métis are the descendants of (mostly) French fur traders and Cree women.

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. The 'closed contract' within the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program means the visas of Mexican workers are tied to one particular employer with very few of the rights that Canadian workers have.

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. There are no human "races".

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. Indigenous people have been living in what is now Canada for at least 14,000 years. The first Europeans did not arrive on Canada's easter shores until about 1,000 years ago, and they left shortly thereafter. In fact, approximately 93 percent of "Canadian history" is Indigenous alone.

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