Quiz Content

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. Which of the following began to create a social revolution in universal literacy by giving the broader public the ability to read them?
Printing of Bibles and books

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. Your online behaviour leaves a trail of data behind you that is used to compile a profile of who you are. If you are most active online at home, the following can be tracked via your postal code except:

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. During the eighteenth century, journalism became referred to as the __________ with a social responsibility of advocacy.

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. Why have Canadians been exposed to more American content than Canadian media content?

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. The CRTC stands for:

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. The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) began broadcasting in 1999 from the Television Northern Canada (TNC) platform. All of the following statements are true except:

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. According to Canadian communications theorist Marshall McLuhan, the proliferation and innovation of media technology around the world has created

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. One of Marshall McLuhan's most famous claims concerning the media is one of the statements below. McLuhan's statement meant that the medium has a causative effect on the way human groups think, act, and organize socially.

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. C. W. Mills identified two main sociological characteristics of mass media. Which two statements are they? Circle the two statements.

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. The issue of surveillance by the media that constitutes an invasion of the privacy of citizens has profound effects on the following:

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. Historically, those who dared to speak about behaviour that might be changed and what 'should be' were called prophets.

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. As the main source of political, economic, and cultural information, newspapers (for the rising middle class) became the fundamental medium and guide of public opinion and discourse.

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. Since so much reporting has become digital, Internet-based media is sometimes distinguished as the Sixth Estate.

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. In the 1930s, prime ministers William Lyon Mackenzie King and R.B. Bennet believed that radio broadcasting would create division and polarized thinking amongst Canadians.

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. In Canada, at least ___ percent of programming aired daily in 'prime time" must be Canadian content.

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. Schitt's Creek was the first series ever, Canadian or American, to receive all seven of the Emmy Awards for a comedy series.

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. The musical of Lucy Maude Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables was touted in the Guinness World Records as the longest running annual musical theatre production in the world. It ran for 49 seasons.

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. One of the concepts behind the idea of filter bubbles is the idea that people like to associate with people who are like them. The sociological term for this is homophily.

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. Erving Goffman would consider each social media platform to be an example of the imagined audience.

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. Sharing images and video of ourselves on social media are examples of Anthony Gidden's idea of 'identity as a project' that we continuously work on throughout our lives.

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