“Race” and Ethnicity

Further Readings

Denis, J.S. (2012). Transforming Meanings and Group Positions: Tactics and Framing in Anishinaabe–White Relations in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(3): 453–470.

This article illustrates systemic racism against Indigenous people on part of the federal government and the use of master narratives to justify past discrimination

Karakayali, N. (2005). Duality and Diversity in the Lives of Immigrant Children: Rethinking the “Problem of the Second Generation” in Light of Immigrant Autobiographies. Canadian Review of Sociology 42(3): 325–343.

This article examines the many, at times conflicting worlds in which children of immigrants to Canada live

Helpful Websites

Invisible City: https://www.nfb.ca/film/invisible_city/

This documentary follows two young black men growing up in Toronto’s Regent Park. It illustrates a number of course related themes, including racialization, racism, social class, poverty, socialization and deviance

The Invisible Nation: https://www.nfb.ca/film/invisible_nation/

This documentary provides an account of the Algonquin people and their lives prior to European colonization. It further discusses the consequences of colonization for the Algonquin people and their experience of systemic discrimination, racism, human rights violations and poverty

Who Gets In: https://www.nfb.ca/film/who_gets_in/

This film focuses on Canadian immigration policies and how they shape the characteristics of newcomers to this country.

Assembly of First Nations: http://www.afn.ca/

Website of the Assembly of First Nations that represents the interests of First Nations across Canada

Project Implicit: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/

This online assessment developed by Project Implicit measures an individual’s implicit biases pertaining to race and skin tone, for example

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada:


A good hub of resources pertaining to the residential school system, including survivor accounts

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