Social Research Methods

Further Readings

Carter, G.L. (Ed.) (2010). Empirical Approaches to Sociology: A Collection of Classic and Contemporary Readings. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

This edited volume focuses on the relationship between theory and method, using classical and contemporary examples. Included are sociologists such as Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Annette Lareau.

Denzin, N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.) (2013). The Landscape of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

A comprehensive overview of the history and practice of qualitative research, including a thorough discussion of political and ethical dimensions of research.

Denzin, N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.) (2013). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of methods of qualitative data generation and analysis. Readings discuss, for example ethnography, case study, and narratives.

Northey, M., L. Tepperman and P. Albanese (2015). Making Sense: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

This guide is a useful resource for any student of the social sciences. It covers a range of different topics, such as essay writing; the relationship between theory, research design and measurement; referencing; and ethical research.

Helpful Websites

Source of statistical information about Canadian society: Statistics Canada:

Statistics explained:

Detailed information about the Stanford Prison Experiment, including a discussion of experiments and ethical concerns:

A good, interesting example of an ethnography:

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