Introduction to Sociology

Further Readings

Curtis, B. (2004). Reading Reflexively: The 2003 Porter Lecture. Journal of Historical Sociology 17(2–3): 240–264.

On the relationship between history and sociology

Helmes-Hayes, R. (2002). John Porter: Canada’s most famous sociologist and his links to American sociology. The American Sociologist 33(1): 79–104.

This article describes John Porter’s contribution to the discipline in Canada beyond his influential book The Vertical Mosaic (1965)

McGuire, P.D. (2012). Indigenous spaces in sociology. In L. Tepperman and A. Kalyta, (Eds.), Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives (pp. 11–15). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

A discussion of intellectual colonialism and Indigenous knowledge(s)

Warren, J.-P. (2009). The three axes of sociological practice: The case of French Quebec. Canadian Journal of Sociology 34(3): 803–830.

This article discusses an extension to the four types of sociology

Helpful Websites

Canadian Sociological Association:

Famous Sociologists:

Feminist sociological theories:

Sociological Images:

Key terms and definitions:

An illustrative discussion of the difference between macro- and microsociology:

A good discussion of sociological theories that also provides links to further discussions of each sociological approach:

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