Web links
Useful links - UK
Her Majesty's Stationery Office
This site provides access to UK legislation
Parliamentary debates and legislation in progress
UK Courts
Recent cases and information on court stucture and procedure.
The Patent Office
Information, legislation and policy for intellectual property rights
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Access to case law
The Information Commissioner
Guidance on the Data Protection legislation
Useful links - Europe
European Court of Justice
EU caselaw
European Commission etc
Policy on internal market issues, including e-commerce
EU legislation and offical notices
Useful links - other
World Intellectual Property Organisation
Regulation of intellectual property world-wide
World Trade Organisation
Regulation of trade world-wide
US Copyright Office
US intellectual property law and policy
EU intellectual property law and policy
Features a database of all proceedings commenced under the UDRP
Nominet UK
Features information about registration of .uk domains and a database of all proceedings commenced under the Nominet Dispute Resolution Service Policy
IP Kat
Blog about Intellectual Property law developments in the UK and EC
Prof. Michael Geist's Blog
Blog on Cyberlaw issues in U.S., Canada and Europe
Virtual Law at LSE
Blog about Information and Communications Technology Law Issues from a UK perspective