Web links: International materials
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva www.ohchr.org/. The website for the High Commissioner provides the main human rights news of the time with a section devoted to ‘human rights in the news’. There is an emphasis on the treaty bodies and a database containing detailed information on each body is provided. Human rights treaties are available and in some cases the status of ratification. Information on the UN Human Rights Council can also be accessed through this website.
UN HQ, New York www.un.org This is a general website with information on all of the functions of the UN including human rights. Within the human rights section, there is a list of the thematic issues in which the United Nations is involved, with links to more detailed websites dedicated to the issues listed.
ILO, Geneva www.ilo.org This website contains labour related news and featured articles on topical areas of concern. It also provides information on the ratification status of the labour conventions by country or convention.
ICJ, The Hague www.icj-cij.org This website contains very useful general information on the origin, role and jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. The decisions of the Court can also be accessed through the website.
UN Treaty data base treaties.un.org This database includes the United Nations Treaty Series and the League of Nations Treaty Series.
General human rights website including UN treaty bodies www.bayefsky.com This website contains the texts of human rights treaties and human rights news. It has a section on how to complain about human rights violations which details the exact process involved.
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women www.unwomen.org This website contains detailed information on the work being undertaken to accelerate progress on meeting the needs of women and girls worldwide.
ICTY www.un.org/icty This website provides useful information on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. It explains the objectives of the Tribunal as well as providing information on its origin, role, jurisdiction and work to date. The Statute, Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the decisions of the Tribunal are accessible through the website.
ICTR www.unmict.org This website contains information on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. It contains links to the legal documents governing the operation of the Tribunal and information on the cases decided. Since the closure of the ICTR on 30 December 2015, its work is being carried out by the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals.
University of Minnesota, Human Rights Library www1.umn.edu/humanrts This website is for human rights documents. Treaty texts are available and some also contain ratification information. There are also useful links to other human rights websites.
University of Virginia, School of Law, UN Human Rights Treaties, Travaux Préparatoires hr-travaux.law.virginia.edu/ This website contains the drafting histories from the major post-World War II human rights treaties.
UNICEF www.unicef.org This website provides basic background knowledge to the children's fund. It explains what UNICEF does and why, whilst also providing information on specific countries and problems related to children.
ICC (pre December 2003) www.un.org/law/icc This website contains a useful overview of the need for an international criminal court and the international efforts that led to its creation. It only contains information up to December 2003.
ICC (after December 2003) www.icc-cpi.int This website provides information on the International Criminal Court, its structure, Statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the ratification status of the Treaty. The situations and cases being investigated by the Court are explained and its decisions to date can be accessed.
UNESCO www.unesco.org This website is useful for brief background information on UNESCO and its history. It also has information on the states which are members of UNESCO.
Official Documents of the UN documents.un.org This web site contains a search engine for all types of official UN documentation from 1993; older UN documents are added to the system on a daily basis. It also provides access to Resolutions of the GA, S.C., E.C.O.S.O.C. and Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards.