Web links


Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI, formerly HMSO)


This lists all UK Acts since 1988 (and has Explanatory Notes to all Acts of Parliament since 1999) and all UK Statutory instruments since 1987, as well as Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish legislation. It also lists draft statutory instruments.

The 'New Legislation' section lists all material added to the site in the previous two weeks.




This gives the text of all Bills currently before Parliament.

For information on how a Bill is progressing go to the Weekly Information Bulletin at: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm/cmwib.htm.



Links to legislation, case law and preparatory documents. The Official Journal, the definitive source for legislative material, is now also available online. Fully searchable.


The Electronic Information System for International Law - www.eisil.org – which is

produced by the American Society of International Law, contains links to most of the key conventions and many of the secretariats. It is the closest thing to a general portal for use in relation to international environmental law.

Bell and McGillivray, Environmental Law

The Online Resource Centre for this book, at www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/bell9e/, contains its own set of web links on a chapter by chapter basis.

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