Web links

UK Legislation www.legislation.gov.uk

This site covers the following:

  • All primary legislation from 1988 to present day. Most primary legislation from 1801 to 1987 is available. In some cases there is only the original published (as enacted) version and no revised version.
  • All available legislation is updated to 2002, and about half the legislation has been updated to the present day. Click the ‘Changes to legislation’ button to check the current status. Statutes may be viewed in original or revised versions.
  • The New Legislation section lists all items put on the site in the previous fourteen working days.
  • All secondary legislation from 1987 is available, as is most such legislation from 1948 to 1986. There are no entries prior to 1948.

Parliament http://services.parliament.uk/bills

This gives the text of all Bills currently before Parliament and shows how each Bill is progressing.

To find out how a statutory instrument is proceeding see:


Government Employment Policy www.gov.uk/government/topics/employment

This link deals with government policy on employment and also lists consultation papers and draft regulations.

European Legislation http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html

This provides an index to Directives and most of those relating to employment will be found in section 05 ‘Freedom of movement for workers and social policy’ particularly in subsection 05.20.20 ‘Working conditions’.

ACAS www.acas.org.uk

This is the site of the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service and in the Media Centre section you can find the latest news releases. Also the Codes of Practice can be found under ‘Advice and Guidance’ sub-heading ‘publications’.

Equality and Human Rights Commission www.equalityhumanrights.com

This site deals with the activities of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and their guid­ance on legislation can be found under ‘Our work’ sub-heading ‘Publications library’.

Employment Tribunals www.gov.uk/employment-tribunals

This includes general information about employment claims, a link to the Employment Tribunal Rules in section 7, as well as a link to the courts and tribunals judgments database.

See https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/judgments/.

Employment Appeal Tribunal www.gov.uk/appeal-employment-appeal-tribunal

This includes general information about the tribunal, a copy of the Appeal Tribunal Rules (as amended) as well as a judgments database.

Other sites

A useful news site is provided by Daniel Barnett. This is mostly concerned with recent cases but also provides information on recent legislation, consultation documents and draft statutory instruments. This requires registration but not a subscription. See: www.danielbarnett.co.uk/.

There are also a number of subscription-only sites which provide up-to-date versions of statutes and statutory instruments. These include LexisNexis, Westlaw, Emplaw and LawTel which are often available through university libraries.

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